...on the website of Drucken & Lernen.
You have found the specialist that has the machines, the tools and the materials that you will need to be creative with print and paper. We accept orders from schools, universities and institutes, as well as from companies and private buyers. No order is too small.
We are:
- A supplier for the school-printshop
- A mail order company for the
• traditional and artistic printer,
• papermakers,
• bookbinders,
• and printers.
But we are also:
- Letterpress printers
- Offset printers
- Artistic printers
- Type setters
- Type founders
A wide range of products can be found under the heading ‘Waren/Bestellung (Shop)’. Take some time to browse, you will definitely find what you’re looking for. The complete list of products can be found under ‘Register’, double-click here or select it in the menu on the left. When you’re looking for something in particular, you can use the last option ‘Produktsuche’ in ‘Waren/Bestellung (Shop)’. Type the name of the product you want und do a search.
Outside the shop orders can be placed by telephone (if we’re not out), by fax or by e-mail.
We will translate more contents ot this site into English in the future. If there are any questions, do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail.
Drucken & Lernen
Anton-Flettner-Straße 1
D-65479 Raunheim
Tel.: + 49 (0)6 14 24 64 78
Fax: + 49 (0)6 14 24 59 99
Mail: info(at)drucken-und-lernen.de
© For the contents, text and illustrations of this website: Drucken & Lernen 2011